3M Attestâ„¢ Rapid Readout Sterilization Biological Indicator Vial


  • Provides biological indicator results in 24 minutes in 3M Attest 490/490H Auto-readers with software version 4.2.7 or greater
  • Helps deliver biological indicator results often before a patient leaves the surgical suite-
  • Meets ISO and FDA performance requirements for biological indicators
  • Contains viable organisms that provide a direct measure of lethality
  • Puts your instrument turnaround speed into overdrive


The 3M Attest Super Rapid Readout Biological Indicator 1491 is a self-contained biological indicator specifically designed for rapid and reliable qualification testing and routine monitoring of 270° F (132° C) and 275° F (135° C) gravity-displacement steam sterilization processes when used in conjunction with the 3M Attest Auto-reader 490, a 3M Attest Auto-reader 490H having software version 4.0.0 or greater or a 3M Attest Mini Auto-reader 490M. The 1491 biological indicator is a single-use device. The self-contained design includes a spore carrier with spores of Geobacillus stearothermophilus (formerly known as Bacillus stearothermophilus) and a media ampoule containing bacteriological media which meets the requirements for growth promoting ability. The spore carrier and media ampoule are contained in a plastic vial topped with a blue cap. A chemical process indicator which changes from pink to light brown or darker upon exposure to steam is located on the top of the cap. The 1491 biological indicator utilizes the ⍺‑glucosidase enzyme system, which is generated naturally within growing cells of Geobacillus stearothermophilus. The ⍺‑glucosidase in its active state is detected by measuring the fluorescence produced by the enzymatic hydrolysis of a non-fluorescent substrate, 4-methylumbelliferyl‑⍺‑D-glucoside (MUG). The resultant fluorescent by-product, 4-methylumbelliferone (MU) is detected in the 490 Auto-reader. The presence of fluorescence within the specified incubation time of the 1491 biological indicator in the 490, 490H, or 490M Auto-reader indicates a steam sterilization process failure.

Additional information

Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 9 × 8 cm